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    Not sure, but letting dangling issues hanging around is not a good idea either.

    The relevant test is this:

    describe('Mean is returned as float', function(){
      tracker = new TempTracker();
      var mean = tracker.getMean();
      Test.expect(Number(mean) && mean % 1 !== 0, 'getMean() didn\'t return a float. Returned: ' + mean);

    So unless something is really messed up it shouldn't fail. It doesn't even check the result is the same as the expected value.

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    Your "issue" is useless and isn't really a issue (it's a question) either ;-)

    Next time if you can't get through a specific part, mark it as a question and not an issue. I'm resolving it because it's not an issue, and I said no because the situation you're describing is not possible unless there are dumb mistakes in your code (I solved it so I can see the tests), and without your code that's the only possible response.

    Remeber: 99% of the "issues" comes from your own end unless you're experienced ;-)

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    Why "79999997"? Nothing should happen there, just as with "78987".

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    Actually, running "797" repleace exactly twice will solve the test case 797979797979797979797979.

    But I agree with you to add test case 799999997

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    If you try again.. are the tests changed or fixed? Also When I ran it it seems to work fine?

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    That's not an issue the function is used to evaluate the correct result from your one.