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    • The description is written in broken English
    • It is not explained what "front face" does
    • My solution ignores "F" turns, as I assumed that they do nothing, but the author's solution changes direction to "F" - if that's the indended behavior, it should be properly tested
    • It is not stated how to handle lowercase letters
    • The "random" tests are not actually random
    • Trivial map/filter/reduce is not a novel kata idea (I also vaguelly remember doing something similar in a different kata, although idk whether it was the whole task, or just a part of it, so this might be a duplicate too)
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    input: 'RL'
    outcome: 'F' should equal 'B'


    wouldn't you turn right, then turn back left, and then immediately be facing front again?

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    no actual description.

    • What are the inputs?
    • what is actually meaningful in them (that part is covered, but it's rather hard to see what are the data or not for now)
    • outputs are never described
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    No random tests.

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    Writing a trivial comparator is a duplicate.