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    eb110 - AABA is a different set of letters with a different set of permutations than ABAB.

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    I solved the kata by comparing costs.
    If you insert a letter, it implies that you have to delete and add a certain letter: (cost 2)
    If you simply add or delete: (cost 1)
    This is a well known approach called minimum edit distance.
    I passed all tests but the one we are talking about.

    rkacypviuburk to zqdrhpviqslik, cost: 16 because you have to delete and add 8 letters
    rkacypviuburk to karpscdigdvucfr, cost: 12 because you have to delete and insert 5 and also delete 2 letters

    Please correct me if I'm wrong!

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    I thought you have to "use" all letters - so AABA is missing one "B" letter. Or perhaps my logic if wrong.

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    It seems words with similar length are preferred. zqdrhpviqslik is the same length as rkacypviuburk.
    I agree with you, karpscdigdvucfr is more similar, but it's just not what this kata wants:


    rkacypviuburk | zqdrhpviqslik | ---r-pvi----k | -3

    rkacypviuburk | karpscdigdvucfr | karp-c-i--vu--r | 3

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    have a question

    of the tests is failing to me

    is expecting 'zqdrhpviqslik', but I found 'karpscdigdvucfr', the word is "rkacypviuburk",
    but I cannot understand why my solution is wrong. I think "karpscdigdvucfr" is more similar to "rkacypviuburk".

    What am I missing ?

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    what I get is this

    supose you receive 'AAAB', then all posibilities are (always based on the letters)

    AAAB = 1
    AABA = 2
    ABAA = 3
    BAAA = 4

    if you get 'ABAB', all posibilities are (if I don't miss anything)

    AABB = 1
    ABAB = 2
    ABBA = 3
    BAAB = 4
    BABA = 5
    BBAA = 6

    and the task is to return the correct index

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    actually, i can't understand well this kata, so confused

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    Hey guys, I have a question,
    the sample says ABAB = 2, but then how much should AABA return ?

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    oh, I get it, thanks for the tip

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    Write System.out.println(n); inside your function.

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    this is what I get from the test, not sure what the input value is

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    Why don't you simply print the input value?

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    I get this in the random tests

    expected:<[6[8902203007853440, 0, 2]]> but was:<[6[9022030078534408, 0, 17]]>

    is there a way to know the original number based on the expected value ?

    If I understood properly, the original number is 96802203007853440, but isn't in that case the smallest number 9680220300785344 ?