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    I think there is an issue with one of the random tests when len(p1) > len(2) > 0. In this case the test is always expecting a wrong result.

    For example, these are the p1, p2 and the wrong expected result:

    Test.assert_equals( poly_subtract([84, 37, 41, 12, 83, 11, 14, 67, 10, 37, 77, 45],[52, 61]), [-20, -85, 41, 12, 83, 11, 14, 67, 10, 37, 77, 45])

    while the correct expected result should be:

    [32, -24, 41, 12, 83, 11, 14, 67, 10, 37, 77, 45]

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    Is this error part of the kata or is the Clojure version broken? Could not locate share_price/core__init.class or share_price/core.clj on classpath: , compiling:(null:1:1)