For anyone overthinking this like I was... don't make assumptions. 1 pump per day, lose 10 percent - end of story. If you graph it, it looks SO tempting to throw a decay function at it (if I could only paste that picture here!). DON'T! You'll pass half and fail half, and leave unsavory comments in your frustation.
Yeah, I totally refactored this just after I submitted ;)
Replacing an:
if :
return True
return False
With the itself usually results a little bit cleaner - and simpler - logic (maybe it
's just a personal taste)
For anyone overthinking this like I was... don't make assumptions. 1 pump per day, lose 10 percent - end of story. If you graph it, it looks SO tempting to throw a decay function at it (if I could only paste that picture here!). DON'T! You'll pass half and fail half, and leave unsavory comments in your frustation.
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Almost 50 people passed without any problem and tests are still the same ones since the beginning.
Which language?
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