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    looks like they changed specifications/tests on this after it got popular.

    It's not changing the specifications, rather fixing an oversight I'd say.

    at least invalidate the honor/rank/completion of everyone who did it before.

    That would burden the server workload I guess. But it would be in User's obsolete solution for them to make another attempt.

    this is a completely different kata now from the description and previous solves could definitely not solve this.

    Me as the one who made the fix did not change anything from the description.
    And the solutions that passed before the update shouldn't even pass in the first place because of a slight oversight from the original translator.

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    Duplicate issue.

  • Custom User Avatar

    looks like they changed specifications/tests on this after it got popular. this should not be allowed, "pulling the ladder up behind you". at least invalidate the honor/rank/completion of everyone who did it before. this is a completely different kata now from the description and previous solves could definitely not solve this.

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    i wrote code similar to the top voted but i read your response and code. yours is indeed superior. well done.

  • Custom User Avatar

    i was so close to using something like this but couldn't realize to set them all to length 4, had all values in dict of cycle length, kept sticking me in the mud. great solution. taught me to think again and not give up

  • Custom User Avatar

    lmao YES this is the way!! hahaha I thought mine was enormous! check this out!

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    thank you for the incredible write up. most times I read great code it blows my mind but cannot comprehend all the brilliance. you taking the time to explain really helped me understand every individual part. you should be very proud, keep up the great work! inspiration