0 <= input.length <= 100
Strings of lengths 0 and 100 should be tested.
input may contain any valid ASCII characters
This should be tested too. Random tests should be added. The function name should be valid-parentheses or maybe even valid-parentheses?.
I just wanted to add a simple fork that shows off what the Project Euler question was hinting towards. The iterative solution becomes slow beyond a million or so.
Thanks :).
I like the zipWith tail trick, I'll have to remember that for code golf.
Good catch, fixed.
Needs clojure examples added to description.
head a :: Int. Not a :: Int.
head a :: Int
a :: Int
Cool, thanks. Works for me now!
Fixed again, made a slight typo.
Still seems to be doing it in Ruby:
Test number 6: Test Passed: Value == 33 Test Passed: Value == [] Expected: [33], instead got: [] Test Passed: Value == 33
So the test expects init([33]) == [33]. Is that correct?
init([33]) == [33]
Yeah, I just noticed that my changes weren't saved, and I've updated them again.
No, the issue still occurs for JS:
// input: [ 12, 31, 38, 24 ] Expected: [12,31], instead got: [12,31,38]
No, I do specify differently; the test cases were wrong, as indicated by the issues below.
Loading collection data...
Strings of lengths
should be tested.This should be tested too.
Random tests should be added.
The function name should be
or maybe evenvalid-parentheses?
.I just wanted to add a simple fork that shows off what the Project Euler question was hinting towards. The iterative solution becomes slow beyond a million or so.
Thanks :).
I like the zipWith tail trick, I'll have to remember that for code golf.
Good catch, fixed.
Needs clojure examples added to description.
head a :: Int
. Nota :: Int
.Cool, thanks. Works for me now!
Fixed again, made a slight typo.
Still seems to be doing it in Ruby:
So the test expects
init([33]) == [33]
. Is that correct?Yeah, I just noticed that my changes weren't saved, and I've updated them again.
No, the issue still occurs for JS:
No, I do specify differently; the test cases were wrong, as indicated by the issues below.
Loading more items...