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    thanks! fixed it

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    Your solution has a bug. It works incorrectly when it is called more than once. Test it locally bu running it two times in a row, once with input "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw", and then with input "xyz".

    It is a bug in your solution, and not a kata issue.

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    python tests are incorrect. when i copy the test input to my local machine the output gives expected result but copying the same code here shows wrong output. eg: "I+UG +<Twqh\tumNVfY/RbCIO[FsLVFZpx=jD" shoutld return False and it does on local machine but on codewars it shows True should equal to False.

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    Sorry, there are no errors in the tests. (C kata passed by 883 people).

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Unfortunately, I did not understand at all what the task was about. Separately, everything is clear, but not all together.

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    And what is the issue here? Your solution returns wrong results.

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    Testing .page_count() method
    Test Passed
    page_item_count is returning incorrect value.: 4 should equal 10
    Test Passed
    page_item_count is returning incorrect value: 4 should equal -1