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    "Elakpavilqw qqqearqmya vcsq" --> 3 words, all not longer than 11. maxLength is inclusive:

    ... calculating the number of words in the text he has read, no longer than maxLength.

    In the future, please ask a question to ask for help, an issue is a provable bug/flaw of the kata

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    How is it possible? Solution was on Java 17.

    Testing for:
    maxLength = 10, text = Yem cwznndp rptjgwmkbvl qlfzbdnpv zeggur cy dzwop bty?

    Testing for:
    maxLength = 9, text = Pufkfbqiig fnpbfjlb sczbxigcwou mq, ogwdt qwndpwrbn, garnjed nmuzumecicg rqmckd.

    Testing for:
    maxLength = 2, text = Blpwrhzgk wonnqpnx wmwjvuidfd yy, lynmieparh eywtdurd pyxux bfom: oksjvfei

    Testing for:
    maxLength = 11, text = Elakpavilqw qqqearqmya vcsq.

    expected:<3> but was:<2>

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