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    I have the same problem, the test is broken.

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    Thanks for trying to clarify the problem with the sort for same weights but I still don't think that's what the author meant.

    This is from the test window:
    Test.assert_equals(order_weight("2000 10003 1234000 44444444 9999 11 11 22 123"), "11 11 2000 10003 22 123 1234000 44444444 9999")

    You're right about the 11 11 2000 but then why aren't the next two numbers with same weight in ascending order (10003 22) ?

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    There were no test cases provided for Ruby. I used:

    three = always(3)
    Test.assert_equals(, 3, "Expected: 3, got #{}")

    When submitting, I get this error:

    `always': wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1) (ArgumentError)
    	from `<main>'

    Is there a test for ruby, currently? I'm new to the functional side of Ruby, so I appreciated this Kata, but I don't know if it is finished on the Ruby side.

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    Perhaps a more clear instruction for handling the ordering of weights of the same weight:

    "In the event that multiple values exist with the same weight, those values should be placed in ascending order as well. (Ex. [2000, 11, 2] #=> [2, 11, 2000])"

    It took me some time to understand the instructions for handling this scenario, and I believe a slight change in the wording or the addition of an example would be helpful.
