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    I think good ol' console.log() can help; you with it.
    And making test increasingly difficult, i.e. start with a trivial case then add "more complex test" until you get to the point you want

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    Sure, but I don't know Python or Ruby, nor I have the time to invest into learning it

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    The thing is, I never added the Haskell version of my kata, only Javascript. I don't know why it's there, neither how to remove it. Sorry :s

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    I don't really understand why one would do such a thing, because these are tests, and we're in javascript. In Java the variable would have been final. Anyway, I added a notice not to modify the list. Does that corresponds to what you wanted ?

    By the way, thanks for completing this kata. It has been stuck in the 'Waiting for moderator approval' phase for many months, and I fear it would have been forgotten otherwise.

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    You sure ? I thought I said the strict necessary to understand the kata, without giving a lecture on graphs. But, you're right, I could put a link to the Wikipedia concepts

    EDIT : Finally, I added a sentence to explain the format of arcs. Is that what you meant ?

    EDIT 2 : I also added the two suggested links

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    Damn, you're right. I totally forgot that. I just added a test case for the left. Thanks for your comment,

    EDIT : Please tell me if my fix corresponds to your comment, maybe I didn't fully understand it.

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    I would put a more appropriate and less-generic title.

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    Very nice kata. Interesting challenge, much different. Instructions are not very clear, but that's the whole point of this kata. Good job ! :)

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    The error messages for failing tests are way too long (they repeat 'You do not have the right number of elements' a couple of times). Also, there are a few typos in the Instructions section.


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    Thank you for your comment,

    As this is the first kata I make, I didn't know thesingle quote trick, I'll correct it.

    I've checked for similar katas on Codewars before creating mine, to avoid duplicating an existing one, and indeed there are similar ones, but they do not work quite the same. For example, there's a kata about finding the shortest path on a graph. But there was none about finding if a graph has a solution or not.

    As for the Solution Setup part, I thought it was only for setting up variables and stuff needed for both the correct solution and the user's solution. Now I know what it is about. I'll check it out