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    I've been trying for a week or so to resolve this, I'm getting close but I cannot pass all the random tests - I always fail 10 - 20 tests depending on the number: Passed: 668 Failed: 17 Exit Code: 1
    All of them fail for the same reason: <function Meta.make_interceptor.._wrapped at 0x7fe3069021f0> should equal 'grtisp'

    I know Monadius pointed out that: Examples in the description show that new methods are assigned to instances, but the tests never do this: Methods are assigned to classes -> can you confirm this ?
    For example, my code will raise an AttributeError for this: = lambda self,a,b,c,d,e: '5 params function'

    Maybe it's not that and my code simply cannot handle some corner case, but can you give me a hint at least ? Because it's getting really frustrating...

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    My code fails at the following test: Methods can access 'self' var, even when not named 'self'.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/workspace/default/src/codewars-test/codewars_test/", line 111, in wrapper
    File "", line 212, in access_test
    test.assert_equals(the_ob.self_access('World'), 'World2')

    I'm not sure what else to verify...can you be more specific about the test case?