errr(sorry) : did not know that access to edit page of this kata is not allowed yet
That is more of a suggestion vs issue.
the truth tables are pulled straight from the reference so you can use them how you'd like?
Hi Daniel, I have updated the description to include puntucation. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Very very thanks for your test and feedback ;-)
That's why the kata needs to be tested. If there is no test, some problems can not be found.
This issue fixed now, any other issue in this kata? Please test again ;-)
Done! I removed the top tests. You meant from the Tests Cases and not from the Example Tests Cases, right?
Thank you for your feedback!
I've modified description like this:
"l" is 11th(start with 0) in lower case letters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | 0... 11----------------->11th letter We use this number mod 4------> 11 % 4 = 3 the 3rd(also start with 0) letter of "LOVE" is "E" LOVE | 3--------->3rd letter so convert "l" to "E". and so on.. "o" convert to "V", "v" convert to "O", "e" convert to "L" last "!" remain unchanged, because it's not a letter.
Is this clear enough?
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errr(sorry) : did not know that access to edit page of this kata is not allowed yet
That is more of a suggestion vs issue.
the truth tables are pulled straight from the reference so you can use them how you'd like?
Hi Daniel, I have updated the description to include puntucation. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Very very thanks for your test and feedback ;-)
That's why the kata needs to be tested. If there is no test, some problems can not be found.
This issue fixed now, any other issue in this kata? Please test again ;-)
Done! I removed the top tests. You meant from the Tests Cases and not from the Example Tests Cases, right?
Thank you for your feedback!
I've modified description like this:
Is this clear enough?