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    Don't use global vars. They keep their values between tests and if you call your function several times it will fail in Atom/repl too.

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    Our definition of such a point will return a function (procedure).

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    i am having trouble passing the basic tests in JavaScript.

    in your example:
    const point = (a, b) => {
    // your code
    typeof(point(a, b)) === "function"

    the typeof in this case would not be function unless you were returning a function, but instructions specificaly ask this fst() or snd() function to return a number. For this reason I fail on basic test for fst(point(20, 22) and snd(point(20, 22).

    Am I misunderstanding something?

    In order for typeof() to return "function" in any of these cases I believe the test should be done without parameters/arguments.
    For example: typeof(fst)
    For example: typeof(snd)