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    I've updated the random tests so that there are always some squares, palindromes and palindromic squares.

    I suppose there's still a small chance that in a given attempt all the randomly generated squares happen to be palindromes, and all the randomly generated palindromes happen to be squares. I could put a while to make sure each strategy is randomly tested at least once, but I think that is stretching the point.

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    Yes, apologies for that mistake, and thanks for catching it. I've changed the sample test value.

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    Ah I see, I've added test cases for the other two types of input.

    I had deliberately left them out as the katas I've done in the past don't usually give you a complete set of test cases. Are there some guidelines for this sort of thing? (This is the first kata that I've authored.)

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    Hi Blind4Basics,

    Thanks for your comments. I've swapped the assertions around, and I'll add some random tests shortly.

    I don't understand your third comment, what are the outputs that are lacking? Do you mean the third optional argument to assert.test_equals? I'll add a message for each example.

    Have a nice day