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    Just re-tested with the highest voted solution - still works. Are you trying the sample tests instead of submitting a solution?

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    Per the description, all numbers under 100 are non-bouncy.

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    I allowed contributors; didn't realize this was a requirement for getting out of beta.

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    Example test harness, hope this helps:

    class RomanNumerals:
        def __init__(self, value):
            self.value = value
        def to_roman(self,s):
        def from_roman(self,s):
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    How do I get my kata approved by moderators?

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    How do I get my kata approved by moderators?

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    Submitted a Python translation which also includes random ranges. Moved the current tests to the example tests so people have something to test on before submitting.

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    It starts at -3 and ends at 1, thus -3-1. A-B, but in this case A happens to be negative and B positive.

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    Added both, thanks for the input.

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    I added some additional info about "what is a hostname" but other than that the above comment stands. I don't see a way to include test cases without giving away the answer. This is in line with many other "puzzle" problems, so I think it's reasonable.

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    This is sorta hard to answer without a spoiler, but some numbers can be simultaneously increasing and decreasing. If you can figure that out you can find your missing numbers and get the correct answer for all test cases.

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    I don't think there's an easy way to add tests without giving away the answers. Do you have an example description that is more descriptive?

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    For those struggling to figure out how to pass this due to lack of tests:

    1. Dealing with the unbound methods error

    Method A: Bind your methods inside a class definition

    def to_roman(self, n):

    Method B: Manually instantiate your class instance

    RomanNumerals = Roman()

    1. Example test cases

    test.assert_equals(RomanNumerals.to_roman(1000), 'M')
    test.assert_equals(RomanNumerals.from_roman('M'), 1000)

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    See my solution for a bypass. Probably a lot of other ways, too.

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    Python translation has been submitted!

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