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    Nice Kata! However, Java tests (random tests) dont really test the solution properly, as there are 99,9% chance that the time chunk will end with seconds. This way, u can just use "...and second(s)", as there are almost never a test ending with days/hours (which needs to be solved through "...days and 3 hours").
    I suggest adding some manually writen tests exactly for those cases, otherwise not fully-solved Katas are getting through.

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    I wish this used oxford comma :<

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    `Expected :67 days, 2 hours, 11 minutes and 1 seconds

    Actual :67 days, 2 hours, 11 minutes and 1 second`

    Exepected should be 1 second not I seconds when testing for clojure

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    This should be added to javascript sample and attempt tests so actual and expected are fully shown:

    const chai = require("chai");
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    Naming violation in the method name. It should be Pascal-cased.

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    C language: my code is running smoothly on the terminal, giving right results, but on kata, right on the second sample test I get the following error:

    Test Crashed Caught unexpected signal: SIGSEGV (11). Invalid memory access.

    Another interesting behaviour is that I passed 108 tests when I attempt, being 100/100 from "random tests" and 7/7 from "futher", and 1 sample.

    I'm probably messing up with dynamic memory allocation. But since it works on terminal, I don't know what is it.

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    I am using C and experiencing segfault even though I don't encounter any when I run it on my local machine. I tried adding printf() in various lines to try to find where the invalid access is happening but printf doesn't show. Any one know how to debug it?

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    Although I pass all the randomTest, it returns a java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: begin 0, end 5, length 0

    Can anybody explain me why?

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    Add tests with convoluted external border, like this:

    |          |
    |          |
    |   +---+  |
    |   |   |  |
    |   |   +--+
    |   +-+
    |     | +--+
    |   +-+ |  |
    |   |   |  |
    |   +---+  |
    |          |
  • Default User Avatar

    Hey, I'd just like to know if such a shape is a valid input:

              ['|          |'],
              ['|   +------+'],
              ['|          |'],
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    Reference solution in python fails with test :

    |            |
    |    +--+    |                  
    |    |  |    |                  
    |    |  |    |                 
    |    +--+    |
    |            |              
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    I implemented an inside edge tracing algorithm, and I made a few corner test cases that my early implementations had issues with that did not have matching problems in the passing criteria for this kata. A couple examples:

    1. "Dead Ends":
      A shape that includes a space that an edge tracer needs to completely turn around in:
      | |
      | +-+

    Or if you want a "dead end" in all directions:
    | |

    1. Shapes where corners are right next to each other:
      | |
      | ++
      | ++

    It would be cool to see a few of these corner cases put into the acceptance criteria to make sure everyone's alrogithms are handling them all.

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