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    My point is, I've found a few katas that filter arrays, or arrays of arrays, but none that filter arrays of objects. Is it not a worthwhile exercise for those new to coding (as most of those doing 8 kyu katas will be) to learn that you can perform the same actions on an array of objects? It also allows them to access the .type of each object and thereby provides something new compared to any of the supposed duplicates that have been linked.

    I've not found any katas that do quite what this one does, which is the reason I wrote it. Again I really don't see how this is a duplicate, and if it's similar to other katas well then half the katas on this site are similar in one way or another. If it's because it's a simple sorting or mapping task, again many beginner katas are of this type.

    If anyone has any ideas as to how they think I should change this then I'm open to suggestions, but I don't just want to make it more complicated because that defeats the point. There's no point my sharing this with fellow students if I'm forced to make it more complex for the sake of novelty when it already appears to not be a duplicate of any existing kata.

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    So if it's not an exact duplicate, what's the problem here exactly? I've seen the three other similar problems which all involve sorting/filtering an array or an array of arrays, not an array of objects. I'm not being passive aggressive, I'm trying to be as polite and constructive as possible and you don't really seem to be attempting to help or provide any kind of suggestion here. I get that you want to prevent duplicates but I'm not actually seeing one here. I'm sure to you this is very simple and boring but try to be a bit more welcoming to new learners and not just shut people down because you don't find it interesting. I've seen about 10 nearly identical "Hello World" katas but I'm not on their comments berating them about it.

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    Mate I don't know what to say to you at this point, when you start assisting me let me know and I'll take on board whatever you have to say. So far you've given me nothing I can work with.

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    Your initial comment was just "this is trivial and a duplicate". No info about which other kata you think it's similar to, no advice for improvement. For an 8 kyu kata made by someone who started learning JS 3 weeks ago i think the quality is just fine, but like i said I'm open to any constructive criticism that doesn't amount to "this sucks and it shouldn't exist".

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    Already read them and didn't find any existing ones using filter on objects. By all means let me know if there are similar ones, but your tone is unnecessarily rude to someone who is new to coding and is just trying to learn. Try leaving some constructive feedback instead of being patronising.

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    Have changed it to 8 kyu, not sure what else you expect me to resolve from this comment other than deleting it. As an 8/7kyu it's surely supposed to be fairly trivial to an expert. I'm doing this as part of my learning, maybe being so immediately negative isn't necessary.

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    Apologies seems like I made changes to the main tests to ensure they would work but didn't modify the example test. Should work now I think.

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    Oh right, it seemed to validate when I checked it before submission - I'll see what I can change.