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    You haven't learnt anything from your old katas that have been retired. At all.

    Please go back and see the comments.

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    Hardly original. Filter, map and reduce a list.

    The average age of 0 girls is not 0. It's either undefined or NaN, and the description should specify if this can happen and if so, what is the expected result.

    And, no random tests.

    Not satisfied.

    I can't really be bothered to find an exact duplicate, but please just unpublish this.

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    1.Calling for filter out strings ,but you just want number. Why not just filter number?

    2.Random test is needed. Fixed test is easily to cheat.

    p.s:There are lots of katas in codewars.Simple kata will be easily duplicated.You can add something to make your kata been different.

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    Please for once look at the comment section of your katas and stop posting more katas that will never be able to go through beta. It's pointless.

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    Have you seen the issues in your last kata?

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    The sample tests is about something completely different, there are only 4 fixed tests, and there are no random tests.

    Please do more katas to understand what consistutes an actual kata before making one.

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