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    Welp just learned that dictionary comprehension is apparently a thing... Much appreciated for that ITSOES!

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    for python 2.7 my code was simply:

    return false

    And it passed with flying colors. Not sure that was the intention.

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    This totally meets the definition of 'clever'. Creative and would never want to see this in production!

    Well played sir. Well played.

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    First question:
    How does the enumerate for loop insert blank spaces? I see nothing about assigning blank spaces in there, just the line justification.

    I put a bnuch of print lines in the code and it just magically goes from nothing to filled with blank spaces with that one line!!!

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    Nevermind, my bad. User error. I was using "employee" instead of "employees" and also didn't understand that an object literal in JS is somewhat equivalent to a hash in ruby. I was using it as an array of arrays instead of an array of hashes. I learned something new about JS so we'll call it a success.

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    The javascript also returns an error similar to the ruby version "ReferenceError: employee is not defined". Also the description doesnt have any info on the arrays structure. Is it a double array? One long string?

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    I think this kind of misses the point of the kata. It feels like your 'clever' solution was really just a cheat. For some of the Katas the point is to figure out 'clever' solutions (aka cheat) but not this one. Or maybe its just a game.

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    Is it possible to get some more descriptive feedback? I generally get either Nope or Wrong number, sometimes with a runtime error. But im not sure what the issue with my code is. Perhaps some test cases with the output of our guesses. That way based on whats happening with your guess you can figure out the problem with your code.

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    Dang!!! I cant believe how many different ways there were to 'cheat' on this kata. I also cant believe how many people 'solved' it by either being crazy lucky or just hitting the submit button a thousand times. I enjoyed this kata since it forced me to really pay attention and learn something new. The quote was what got me started on the right track. Well played JoshBrodieNZ. Well played indeed sir.

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    Great kata. Forced me to get familiar with the basics of regex. Regex seems like a whole seperate language with its own shortcuts and caveats. It took me about 2 hours to do a regex 'tutorial' and then about 10 minutes to write and debug a solution. Well done yaphi1

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    Definitely read the included code carefully. Note that the method name is say_ho_ho_ho and not what the description implies of sayHoHoHo

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