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    Totally correct.

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    In my honest opinion, most juice brands are no better than beer.
    The high concentration of sugar in juice may lead to addiction through the desensitization of neural pathways over time, resulting in a myriad of mental health issues as well as an overly prominent feeling of dejection.
    Nonetheless, it can be stated with a high degree of certainty that the use of subconscious messaging (such as the keyword "beer" in such katas as this) results in the proclivity of one to participate in such activities as drinking, which may lessen the overall quality of their livelihoods.

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    it's just a song. a piece of cultural material.

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    How satisfied are you with this kata? NONE

    I don't like this kata because I don't want to read about alcohol drinks. Alcohol drinks are bad for our health and it's better not to drink them at all. So I don't like to see Alcohol Propaganda. I don't know why we can't not to write about water, milk, juice. Beer is a one of the most harmful drink for our health so if I see any task with word "Alcohol", "beer" and other drugs I always choose NONE for answer "How satisfied are you with this kata?"

    I think that it's better to delete such katas.

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    It's something like Alcoholism Propaganda. Wha'ts why I choosen "How satisfied are you with this kata?" - NONE.
    I'd like to see

    Kids drink toddy.
    Teens drink coke.
    Young adults drink juice.
    Adults drink water.

    Maybe author this kata likes alcohol (it's bad for his health) but I don't like Alcoholism Propaganda in any way.

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    I'd like to see speed of our programs and memory usage. For example, I solved a task and I see that my program worked 2.31 secund and my program used 2 Mb RAM.

    Then I can see results other people who solved this task and I can see speed other programs.

    Why do this benefit?

    I solved task: https://www.codewars.com/kata/54bf1c2cd5b56cc47f0007a1/solutions/python

    And I need to find the best solution to vote for "Best Practices". But often "Best Practices" is not best Practices. Often Best Practices are very short but very slow decisions.

    It's not good school to watch these very slow decisions. If we would see time and memory usage for any decision we would choice not only short decisions but also fast decisions. It would be good school for us.