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    In Python, unless it's a random test, both in sample and fixed tests the input is [12, 30, 21], not [21, 30, 12]

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    What language are you trying to solve? Is this an example test, or test case from full test suite? All languages I checked contain sample test of [12, 30, 21], and the answer is indeed 6. I cannot see any language with sample test of [21, 30, 12], but I cannot check full tests of all languages, so info on attempted language could be helpful.

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    See my answer below (at the end of your first post).
    Morality: beware of extra-whitespaces...

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    You have an extra-blank at the end of the second element of each pair. Modify your printing function above to show it.
    Good luck! Cheers.
    PS: Unfortunately at CW the tests are made with "Igloo" which gives "unsupported type" when the answer is incorrect.

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    I may have posted it in the wrong section

    No, you posted in the right section, but you'll have to wait until someone versed in C++ can answer you. Just wait patiently and don't create different posts about one problem, there's no need.

    C++ Completions 468

    From that I guess the problem is in your code but I know almost nothing about C++, so I can't help you.