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    ah right... I even forgot about that fucking kata... x/ (yeah, that much...)
    The problem here is that the task isn't matching the rank, especially for python and alike. What the description doesn't tell is that you can recieve as input an infinite generator. So your line list(xs) is trying to store an infinite sequence in memory, which ofc badly fails. So you need to think about another way.

    (I actually already opened an issue about that below)

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    paste your current code (with spoiler flag)

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    Hi, can I know how you solve it?
    I am having the same problem too since last week. I try to rerun it again this time but still the same.
    When run sample test, all sample test pass, but when I click attempt it came out this error message.
    (Didn't use for loop in my code, just use if else)

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    either it's a server trouble, meaning not a kata issue, or you have something in your code that is going wrong (like an inifinite loop stacking too much stuff in memory, maybe. Tho that would be weird...). Either cases, not a kata issue. ;)

    I just tried in the trainer and all is going fine. Begin with a try with an empty function (just put a pass in the body or return 0) to see if that's still happening. If so, maybe try again in some time. Otherwise, search for the problem in your code. ;)