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    This - I'm guessing - is a random test rather than a fixed test, so we will never be able to reproduce the exact same input. However, if you are confused about what's going on + want to troubleshoot you should print the input:

    how to print the input

    In this case, remember that Expected "rcvc..." to equal "frcvc...." means your code is returning the first string and the correct answer is the second string. So there is an "f" at the start because in the correct answer, the "f" should not get deleted, while in your code you are presumably incorrectly deleting it.

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    Hi @derekMgwena - all kata on codewars have a timeout limit; depending on the language you are working in that can be something like 10 - 15 seconds, which is the maximum allowed time for your code to execute.

    If you are timing out, it is because your code is taking too long to solve the kata - even though it might eventually obtain the correct answer if you let it run for a long time.

    In other words it is not efficient enough; you need to find a better (faster!) algorithm

    If you think that this is not the case, then you can check for alternative explanations here:

    Timeout troubleshooting

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    Hi@everyone i'm having problems with my kata when i hit test or attempt it says " timed out conection blah blah " anyone to help me ?