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Custom User AvatarMattMcMurray
University of Manitoba173
6 kyu
Custom User AvatarMegawatts
University of Manitoba170
6 kyu
Custom User Avatarrjarby
University of Manitoba166
8 kyu
Custom User Avatarharamrit
University of Manitoba17
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Custom User AvatarJohnTT
University of Manitoba13
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Custom User Avatarkevnis
University of Manitoba13
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Custom User Avatarmarkreed73
University of Manitoba12
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Custom User Avataraliengash
University of Manitoba12
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Custom User AvatarDevelopik
University of Manitoba10
8 kyu
Custom User AvatarMorrisDP
University of Manitoba5
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Custom User Avatarbuihh
University of Manitoba4
8 kyu
Custom User Avataryeyoungwon
University of Manitoba3
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Custom User AvatarMaruf2521
University of Manitoba2
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Custom User Avatarfola_adegoke
University of Manitoba2
8 kyu
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University of Manitoba2
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