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    added a broken initial solution

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    I'm getting the same message. One assert is expecting my function to return an empty string if all categories are 0, but another one is expecting the regular "(B : 0) - ..."
    (This is in C++)
    If this is intended, then I am smol brain...
    Update: Okay, I read the last line in your instructions...

  • Default User Avatar

    This should be fixed.

    I am afraid there is nothing to fix. I tried some solutions, they worked fine and 90 people passed the Scala translation.
    Anyway you should give the inputs.

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    scala.collection.immutable.StringOps, conversions in scala.Predef.

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    If your tests are all green, you can see "SUBMIT" button, but kata does not get unlocked, you probably encountered this bug:

    It's not very common and does not affect you in any special negative way other than this particular kata still appears to be locked. However it is marked as solved, you got all your points, and you can see your solution in your profile.

    If you really want to, you can report your problem in the issue I linked and maybe admins will be able to fix your data somehow, but I think I would not bother and just move on :)