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    Testing is wildly inadequate. Kata needs more fixed testing, and needs random testing ( every kata needs random testing ).

    No random testing may also mean an automatic downvote from certain people. Including me. I may come back to change that vote if and when you add random tests, but you should really have random testing from the first time you hit Publish.

    Oh. You're new. Of course you are new. Read available documentation on publishing your first kata. Having random tests is in there.

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    Nice enough. But for now, the sample tests are giving away most of the logic. Same about the description when you explain the different numbers of arguments. I'd prune the description from the exemple, and moved the needed stuff from the sample tests into the preloaded part.
    Note: you'll have to redefine all that stuff into the test cases part, or be perfectly sure that nothing can be redefined by the user if you don't.

    Oh, and you need random tests.
