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    Your expectations with the "ok" keywords are unclear. In some tests it expects it as it is but in some cases it expects them to be lowercase..

    for eg.

    assert.strictEqual(peteTalk('UNDER COUCH job; behind chair sweet UNDER OVER FACE to move the face face sleep from JOB WORK! PUNCH FACE FOOD. work nice WORK face PIPPI OF',
    ["turn", "nice", "for", "over", "face", "the", "couch", "food", "punch", "chick", "invite", "sweet", "cool", "behind", "hot", "work", "inviting", "move", "alcohol", "girl", "Queen", "of", "chair", "drink", "beer", "to", "reason", "job", "woman", "walk", "eat", "Pippi", "sleep", "wine"]),
    "Ur couch job; behind chair sweet ur over face to move the face face sleep f**m job work! Punch face food. Work nice work face pippi of");

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    JavaScript tests are broken
    "Testing length of line 30"

    Line length is not equal 15 - Expected: 15, instead got: 30
    Word-spacing or words are not correct - Expected: 'nulla et dolor.', instead got: 'nulla et dolor.'

    Testing length of line 100

    Line length is not equal 83 - Expected: 83, instead got: 100
    Word-spacing or words are not correct - Expected: 'amet hendrerit fringilla, ante odio porta lacus, ut elementum justo nulla et dolor.', instead got: 'amet hendrerit fringilla, ante odio porta lacus, ut elementum justo nulla et dolor.'