Clever but difficult to read
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Nice way of reformating, Like!
Very clever!!!
Nice goin'
That is one line?
Same but in just one line xD
It doesn't. Either it got lucky with the random tests or the tests have been changed since this solution.
Same but with a dict xD
I ran the code and it FAILED this test:
Testing for [1, 1, 0, 1, 1] It should work for random inputs too: 'Yes' should equal 'No'
when the key=[1,1,1] the test flase
should join a determine
if the list length is not n*n should "No"
How this code handles non perfect square keys? I got one in my attempt
Loading collection data...
Clever but difficult to read
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Nice way of reformating, Like!
Very clever!!!
Nice goin'
That is one line?
Same but in just one line xD
It doesn't. Either it got lucky with the random tests or the tests have been changed since this solution.
Same but with a dict xD
I ran the code and it FAILED this test:
when the key=[1,1,1] the test flase
should join a determine
if the list length is not n*n should "No"
How this code handles non perfect square keys? I got one in my attempt