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    Oh, I see. Thanks for clarification.

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    You can no more "Submit final" cause the kata is now a Draft (see @OverZealous' comments below)

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    For some reason, in this particular kata I can't press "Submit final". I press Submit, all tests pass, yet the button doesn't change to "Submit final". I don't know why is it so and who is to blame. For all other katas I see no such problem.

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    Shoot. I think I just approved the JS translation for this today. I thought it looked familiar. I'll remove JS now, and try to merge the python code into the other one.

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    Javascript portion still in place, not removed.

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    It might be helpful to clarify in the description that all the test cases will be in the range 1-3999 (the range expressible in basic roman numerals).

    Otherwise, a nice Kata which handily illustrates how bonkers roman numerals are =)

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    Okay, done, thank you

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    I'm not sure, it would be best to have someone from the site give their feedback. I suppose the simplest action would be to remove the JavaScript portion of this Kata, since the Python portion is unique.

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    Sorry, I used search by 'roman' but only for python before creating of kata and had nothing. What I should to do now? Delete?

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    This is a duplicate of Roman Numerals Encodr in JavaScript.

    Copying my previous solution into this kata works without changes (other than function name).

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    Okay, the Wikipedia page explains it (in the most complicated way possible, as Wikipedia likes to do), but are you allergic to actually explaining what you want people to do? The last time I had to do anything with Roman numerals was literally decades ago, and I can't remember anyone saying the (logically deduced) IM wouldn't work for 999.

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    I'm not sure, that it necessary. Roman numeric system format is a common basic knowledge from school, isn't it? But okay, i will add link to the wikipedia or your one in details. Anyway thank you for comment. I will mark issue as resolved if you don't mind.

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    For people unfamiliar with the "proper" construction of Roman numerals, MIM seems a reasonable value for 1999, so you should have a formal definition of how to make Roman numerals. The below I got from:

    A smaller number in front of a larger number means subtraction, all else means addition. For example, IV means 4, VI means 6. You would not put more than one smaller number in front of a larger number to subtract. For example, IIV would not mean 3.

    You must separate ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands as separate items. That means that 99 is XCIX, 90 + 9, but never should be written as IC. Similarly, 999 cannot be IM and 1999 cannot be MIM.

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    Yes, sorry, fixed, thank you.

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    Function in initial code takes 2 arguments

    def roman(a, b):
        # TODO convert int to roman string

    but function should take 1 argument