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    Great, the description looks much better now.

    And thanks for the tips. I'll try the other alignments at some point.

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    Excellent, thanks very much for your help!

    I've made the suggested changes re specifying alphanumeric characters (and underscores).

    Yes, I was expecting your solution might be significantly more elegant than mine.... Very nice.. I've rearranged my comments so that they fit better - let me know if they're still too wide. I'll try to make my solution shorter when I've got time.

    So the kata needs to get five approval votes now?

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    So I think I've sorted out the problems you were having last week... I'd be very grateful if you could take another look.

    I've taken the bleeping diacritics out. :-)

    I've formatted the submit tests in the same way as the example tests, so that they print the expected results and the results given.

    I've sorted out the problems with the tests with 'niche' and 'things' that you pointed out. In doing so, I've also added a new rule to account for words that are already hyphenated, and then altered my code to account for this: lines can now be broken after hyphens in words that are already hyphenated, if appropriate.

    I've added a couple more tests to the example tests, one to test hyphenated words are being processed correctly, and one to test that spaced en-dashes are being processed correctly.

    And I've carefully manually checked that all the tests, including the random tests, are using the right expected answers.

    So I'm really hoping that everything is fixed now!

    Let me know how it goes...


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    Ha, I know, maybe I'll pick something easier for my next one :)

    Yep, thanks, I should get round to it this week.

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    Hi, thanks for trying it and for your help. Sorry if there were some annoying parts; however, please bear in mind that I am very new to coding and that this is my first kata.

    I agree about the diacritics. I'll take them out of the equation.

    I'll also fix the problem with 'niche' and 'things', and format the submit tests in the same way as the example tests.

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    Oh, that's strange, the example tests seem to be working for me... I've hardcoded the correct answer in to each test. And when I submit my solution, it passes all the example tests. Do you need to reset the kata to see my changes? (If you haven't already done this).

    Or is there a different problem with the example tests that I'm not seeing somehow?

    Ha, glad you found the texts entertaining! :)

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    Thanks for your help! I think I've sorted out the tests now. Let me know if I've missed anything or if anything else would be helpful.


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    Improved tests added... Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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    Improved tests added... Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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    thanks - I'll sort that out...