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    Probably you ran into an endless loop?

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    Huh. Very good to know. Thanks!

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    (I was lazy so I just took one of the solutions from that kata directly.)

    Also, for the record, you can require('bignumber.js') to automatically get bignums. Bignum calculations used to be funny, but it's already become pretty boring.

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    Ah, my mistake. I thought for a second that "BigInt" was predefined. Now I see your solution more closely.

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    • Need random test cases
    • Basically this kata. And basically any solutions there that doesn't use lots of strings will pass this kata too.
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    That speed was not entirely accurate (1300ms for n=2500). But regardless, I timed 13ms on my local environment to calculate factorial(250), and I still time out. Is that entirely too slow, or is there something else responsible for the error I'm getting? What speed should I be shooting for?

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    250 is the maximum, so it shouldn't be because of size.

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    How big are the n's they're giving?! My JS code can calculate for n upwards of 2000 in a couple milliseconds, but when I 'ATTEMPT' on here, I pass all the tests, but it keeps giving me an error because it times out.