Such large comments, as pretty as they are, do no work very well on the website. They break layout, and disturb the flow on the dashboard. Please refrain from posting large ASCII art comments in discourses.
the author presents all ratings as a 10-character string. Through a formula, he finds out the positional number of the desired symbol. For example, 100+100+100/30 = 10. Grade A is in the 10th position of the line.
clever but not readable.
I wonder what makes these people go this far
That is beautiful code
vay anasini helal olsun la! bu adam zehir icip sirke siciyordur varya
Didn't expect someone to have the same solution as me :D
Such large comments, as pretty as they are, do no work very well on the website. They break layout, and disturb the flow on the dashboard. Please refrain from posting large ASCII art comments in discourses.
Best solution by far!
Would only change division value to be dynamic.
This is a more efficient version of my sollution.... I didn't devide but just made a very long string
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the author presents all ratings as a 10-character string. Through a formula, he finds out the positional number of the desired symbol. For example, 100+100+100/30 = 10. Grade A is in the 10th position of the line.
Looks very speedy
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