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    My bad - you are right about 6 kyu. But not 5. Apparently the solutions are limited to one level above current rank.

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    Cool idea!

    Just realized how you dealt with zero too - didn't think of that approach.

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    I see - I didn't know it was already suggested! Thanks for the response.

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    Thanks for reply but this is not what I am referring to. I am level "7 kyu" and therefore I cannot view solutions "6 kyu" or above. There is no button or option to view solutions above your current rank regardless of forfeiture of points. I believe this will not affect you since you are already 1 dan rank.

    note: When attempted to view solution the following note is printed:

    "You have not earned access to this kata's solutions
    Solutions are locked for kata ranked far above your rank. Rank up or complete this kata to view the solutions."

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    If CW red allowed users to view solutions above their rank I would pay for the subscription.

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    Understood, thanks again!

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    Thanks for the reply - What about a way to test if the pointer points to a string?

    In the case of this kata that should be sufficient since that is the only valid input type, right?

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    what if the pointer language was never initialized? That is, it contains "garbage". Is there a way to test for this?

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    How can I turn off autocomplete (for double quotes, parens, etc.) in editor?