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    I cannot understand why it's timing out. I think a minimized the calculations of factorials, and I have tried putting a lot sample tests, but those are passed. However, when I submit it times out.

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    As long as it's good in the end.

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    OHH MYY GOOOD.. Instead of righting down I wrote false for some weird reason..

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    Yeah I just did the thing that I have read, not creating a Random object in a loop.. And I thought, okay no I didn't...
    Again with my ridiculous mistakes.. It's not correct though again.
    I am using Next(4) from Random. 0,1,2,3 is right, left, up, down let's say. Is that a right way to do it?

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    What are we supposed to do for the random direction test?

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    That's what I have been taught too, I just thought it was okay for something simple.

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    I have finally found out why the time out was happening.
    I used global static variables, for the stack etc, so it would work just for one example each time. So I've changed all to non-static methods and variables and does not time out.
    Now I will try and fix the failed test.
    Thank you for your responding even though it seems that there was nothing wrong with something but me. Thanks a lot though!

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    How should I print out something?
    WriteLine() from Console does not print anything when it times out.

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    When I hit attempt and tries some examples, it shows what are completed and what fail. That examples I mean, that fail mostly, so that I can fix it.

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    I am hitting the Attempt button and it times out. Though, if I run my code in Visual Studio it runs perfectly for the examples I have from the output of the execution.
    I cannot think of anything that might be at fault and causes the time out.

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    In previous Katas Constructing a car the 7th version for C# was available.
    In this Kata #3 I can't choose it, although it is there as a choice.

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    Yes I noticed it later and thought that it might needed to be sorted so I fixed it and worked just fine.
    Wish I had seen it before I comment this.

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    Is this kata ever going to be fixed? To examples to which the bishops don't belong to the same diagonal, but in both cases their positions are the opposite ones. One is from tha sample tests, as you can see from other comments.