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    Hear, hear! Not using the Oxford Comma ranks with asinine behavior such as not using a turn signal or standing on an escalator. An excellent example of the problem with omitting the Oxford Comma can be found in a line from an actual Times of London story: "Highlights of his global tour include encounters with Nelson Mandela, an 800-year-old demigod and a dildo collector." Without the comma after "demigod", the sentence can certainly take on an unintended meaning. The Oxford Comma never causes any harm, but can often offer clarity. LONG LIVE THE OXFORD COMMA!!!!!

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    Thanks for the feed, appreciated!

    And if you look at the full test cases, you might find an url I suggest you to consider ;)

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    Pheww it was frustrating and confusing.

    I didn't know much about breadcrumbs and I was just fixing
    the errors without ever paying attention to the idea behind.
    The moment I read about breadcrumbs and relative paths
    everything started falling in place.

    The take home from this Kata is:

    1. Thorough umderstanding of the problem at hand is important.
    2. Read about the description back and forth while you are updating the code.
    3. Read discourse specific to kata.
    4. Read about the topic on the internet.
    5. Give it sometime and sleep over the problem, you will figure it out.

    Happy coding.

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    Can't you just print/console.log/whatevs it in the same functiom?

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    Quick pointer for those who are not finding the test results to provide sufficient information. Without knowing what information was actually being passed to many of the tests, I was struggling to correct issues with my code. So I began running the tests in pairs - once with my actual code, and a second time with a function that concluded simply with "return url". I cut and pasted the results of the first test into a text editor so that I could more easily compare the expected and actual results, and also copied the results of the second test - the url that had been passed into the testing function.