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    @eb110 I actually agree with you. It should be explained (or at least displayed in sample tests) that:

    • The input must be trimmed
    • The character range is 0-9 for digits between 0-9, and A-J for digits between 10-19
    • The function is case insensitive
    • If the beginning of the string is convertable, you convert that and ignore whatever is left
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    Explaining why 'K' is invalid and '4jzaaa' is valid??

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    What would be a better wording, if you would propose one? ^^

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    If a character is not within the valid range to generate its base-20 representation, then it is considered invalid, so should return -1

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    For a 7-kyu kata, simple 'If it cannot be done, return -1.' is too ambigous to be treated as valid description. 81% of rating score confirms that.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    added and updated to Node 12 as well

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    No random tests

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    • Example tests is wrong
    • So you allows numbers to be passed in as the argument, but it's not mentioned
    • Needs random tests
    • Base conversion is a duplicate of many katas
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    Fixed the descriptions

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    CoffeeScript translation kumited! Plase accept :D

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    You should tell in the description what can be the input.

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    It would be better to say in the description that an invalid value must return -1!-)

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