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    So it is an inline conditional... here is an article explaining it better than I could.. :)

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    I think there is a bug in the ruby implementation as when the random test I get the following error:

    expected '0' got '1'... when I looked into this the error was caused by the equation "x-66" with a point value of "0"

    Unless I am very much mistaken the differential of x is 1 not 0. Please update as required.

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    I am getting a very annoying and totally unexpected error:

    Expected: "1110001000001110010010000100100000", instead got: "Not a integer"

    I have no idea why I am getting this or what is causing it. I feel like I have followed the instructions, any help would be appriciated.

    Also, I why does the ruby imnplementation need to use an integer representation, but the test output want a string..

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    The following test could be added for completeness:

    Test.expect(![1, [1, 1]].sameStructureAs([[1], [1, 1]])

    As currently code can that passes all your tests can fail this one. :P

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    So to confirm, the test fails saying it expects 440, my code generates a value of 470 which looking at the test data appears correct.

    Should the result of the last test be 440 or 470?

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