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    If the description says multiplyAll / multiply_all ( and it does ), a better solution would be to test for multiplyAll instead of solution.

    The creativity thing has been raised as an Issue already ( three years ago O_O ); hopefully it gets fixed sometime ever.

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    I like this kata, but it has 3 misleading issues for Elixirists.

    1. The example uses the multiplyAll function, but that is incorrect, it should be renamed to solution.
    2. The Solution panel only displays a cute by misleading comment that reads ## left blank for unlimited creativity : ). However, you can't give the module nor function a creative name or the test wont work.
    3. You have to read the test to figure out that your creative approach needs to be changed to name you Module Multiply_all and the function solution.

    A better example for the Elixir version of this Kata would be

    defmodule CurryFunctions do
      def multiply_all_by(list) do
        # code here

    That said, it loved seeing a curry kata in here! Much respect.

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    I think this video would be a little more explanatory about curry functions