
A positive integer is an anti-prime when it has more divisors than each positive integer lesser than it.

Write a function that find the largest anti-prime number not exceeding a given number.

1 - as there is no positive numbers below 1 the 1 is a first anti-prime and has one divisor.
2 - has two divisors: 1, 2 so is's anti-prime.
3 - has also two divisors: 1, 3 so it's NOT an anti-prime because 2 already had two divisors.

Other examples of anti-primes are: 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24.

export function solution(max: number): number {
  if (max === 0) {
    return 0;
  let maxDiv: number = 0;
  let lastAnti = 1;
  for (let possibleAnti: number = 2; possibleAnti <= max; possibleAnti++) {
    let divCount = 1;
    for (let possibleDiv = 1; possibleDiv <= max; possibleDiv++) {
        if (possibleAnti % possibleDiv === 0) {
    if (divCount > maxDiv) {
       maxDiv = divCount;
       lastAnti = possibleAnti;
  return lastAnti;