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    Python translation don't test the full house with two triples case (at least not intentionally).

    To filter out wrong solutions which return 'three-of-a-kind' on two triple cases, I think something like this should be added.

    • Case: ['3♠', '3♥'], ['3♦', '4♠', '4♥', '4♦', '2♣']
    • Expected: 'full house', ['4', '3']
    • Wrong answer examples: 'three-of-a-kind', ['4'] or similar, 'full house', ['3', '4']

    I'm not sure whether the Python translation includes the similar test (listed below) or not, but even if they don't, I think it's okay not having them since these are relatively unlikely to be missed.

    • 'four-of-a-kind' with a 'three-of-a-kind': ['3♠', '3♥'], ['3♦', '4♠', '4♥', '4♦', '3♣'], Expected: 'four-of-a-kind', ['3']
    • 'full house' with two possible 'two pair's: ['3♠', '3♥'], ['3♦', '4♠', '4♥', '5♦', '5♣'], Expected: 'full house', ['3', '5']
    • 'two pair' with three 'pair's: ['3♠', '3♥'], ['A♦', '4♠', '4♥', '5♦', '5♣'], Expected: 'two pair', ['5', '4', 'A']