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    Poker hands consist of 5 cards, as mentioned in the description:
    "makes up a straight (five cards of sequential rank"

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    the 5 card straight (7-8-9-10-11) exists in those 7 cards.

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    I'd suggest adding a specific test checking for duplicates for JavaScript or removing it from the info / instructions if you didn't really want that to be part of the kata.

    Could just add "I" twice to the array in var vv...

    vv = ["I", "1.9", "ou", "ve", "ect", "I", "omm", "gla", "oint", "pini", "wh", "oes", "by", "ion", "or", "he", "ple", "ing"]

    Then update the var arr1 to...
    var arr1 = sample(vv,x+1), arr2 = sample(uu,15+x*2), exp = in__array(arr1,arr2).sort().filter(function(item, index, arr) { return item != arr[index - 1] });

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    All my tests are passing except test9IsStraight(PokerHandTest). I got a "Runtime Error Occurred".
    What's the condition to that test??

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    How come the example 2-7-8-5-10-9-11 is straight??
    shouldn't it be isNotStraight?

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    Both basic tests and random tests faild after attempting, but basic tests passes in my eclipse.
    That's weird.