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    Solved it before random tests, so some things were mentally skipped. I have no strong opinion on this kata, there are plenty far worse.

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    the difference is that the other one is purely predictive, while here, you have different possibilities to explore. But a solution to the present one solves ofc the other one too.

    But the number of tests isn't enough for now (here) to enforce this: this appears only in the random tests.

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    They look the same to me, maybe if this kata had some performance aspects they would be easier to distinguish.

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    thing is: it's not the same difficulty... (not saying that the current one is correctly set up, tho...)

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    Idk, is there point in having another one at the same difficulty?

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    well, the context is similar (to not say "the same"), but there is a slight shift in the task, tho.

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    Isn't it the first one under Similar kata, which has object instead of array of pairs.

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    ah, might be that yes... Let's dee if I kind find it.

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    I think there's already an approved kata of the same task actually.

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    Fixed example call left in sample tests and made some existing test cases random by shuffling the result itinerary.

    I could not find any duplicate by title/tags, I could have missed some Kata which involes the same algorithm using concepts different from flights/itineraries.

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    Added a test case which covers two possible solutions and extended description to indicate that for those cases any of them is valid.

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    hasn't this been already published some days ago...? (and retired, I guess?) I already solved that some time ago.

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    Needs random tests.

    Please add them soonest. For now, you have my automatic downvote ( I may or may not come back to change it if and when you add random tests ), and you run a very real risk of this kata getting retired pronto without them.

    Did you read available documentation on publishing your first kata?

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    What is the expected answer when there is more than one possible journey?

    ( You will probably run into this when you add random tests. The correct answer is "any of them", which can be tested for. )

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