  • Default User Avatar

    Heh - I forgot the trick where if you set a default value in the function signature, the instance persists.

    Thanks for the pointer

  • Custom User Avatar

    How big are the numbers you are testing locally? In the tests inputs go up to 1000. When I run your memoized function (after manually increasing the recursion limit), it takes a good 20 seconds or so. You need a better algorithm (Hint: memoize results between function calls too, not just for a single function call)

  • Default User Avatar

    Note: Using Python

    Testing my algorithm offline, I can complete a 100000 test run in 1.15 seconds. In the codewars environment, this times out after 12 seconds, meaning that I cannot submit my solution.


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  • Custom User Avatar

    I've tested your solution and it passes at 7 seconds interval whilst mine passes at around 1.5 seconds. Not a kata issue, closing...

  • Custom User Avatar

    No, the 2nd sentence implies that recursion is not needed since we have stored the pre-computed result in a specific data structure, and we only need to fetch that data from it upon needing it.

    Also, your solution should be using memoization O(1) complexity instead of O(N)

  • Custom User Avatar

    If you write that solution without looking back at the code from the external links, then it is not. Happy coding ! ^^

  • Custom User Avatar

    Your solution has O(N) time complexity. Memoization technique requires O(1) to pass the test.

  • Custom User Avatar

    OP solved it in a quite unique way, closing ^^.

  • Custom User Avatar

    OP solved it, closing.

  • Custom User Avatar

    OP is now a Code-golfer in Python, closing ^^

  • Custom User Avatar

    Memoization / look-up approach is required. The expected time complexity is O(1).

  • Custom User Avatar

    OP solved it, closing

  • Custom User Avatar

    5 years later, CW WIKI has been deprecated, and now we have community-based documented guidelines. A lot is still in progress but it is definitely more comprehensive than the former. Have a good read if you manage to see this message someday when notification gets fixed ! ^^

  • Custom User Avatar

    Sorry if it is a duplicate of what others have already said but it seems that the tests are not independent from the performance point of view. I mean results must be memorized not only within a single calculation but must be shared between two different calls of the function:

    fib(100) -- takes some time to give the answer
    fib(50) -- takes (approximately) no time as it is calculated already during the previous call
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