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    Instructions too vague. Remove language "such as" or anything suggestive. Be specific as to what you are looking for.

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    It seems that your answer is '234561234561' but the good answer is "234561876549" (read the description where this example is shown). The test compares your answer (called "actual" in the test) and the good answer (called "expected" in the test). The test doesnt' give the parameter that is used. If you want to know it use a "print(strng)" in your code. Google "python assertequal" and you will have more explanations.

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    I wrote the Kata in python and when I run the test, my solution doesn't pass a case, in particular, the test did is testing(revrot("123456987654", 6), "234561876549") although the response of my solution is "234561876549" the assert message showed is: '234561234561' should equal '234561876549', I don't understand why the test take the parameter "234561234561" when should be "123456987654". Could someone explain which is the behavior of the test?