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    As said in the description The code must contain a Leetspeak class inherited from an Encoder abstract class and containing an encode(String) method returning itself the encoded String. so if you removed the Encoder class from the initial solution this will cause this error.

  • Custom User Avatar

    My tests are passing but when I try to submit my code I get the following error:

    /tmp/java5462391155140846081/ error: cannot find symbol
    Encoder myEncoder = null;
    symbol: class Encoder
    location: class EncodeTest
    1 error

    java.lang.RuntimeException: /tmp/java5462391155140846081/ error: cannot find symbol Encoder myEncoder = null; ^ symbol: class Encoder location: class EncodeTest 1 error at$compile_BANG_.doInvoke(java.clj:25) at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo( at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:624) at$fn__162.invoke(java.clj:71) at clojure.lang.MultiFn.invoke( at codewars.runners$run.invoke(runners.clj:22) at codewars.core$_main$fn__608.invoke(core.clj:30) at at at

    Any thoughts about what is happening? :(