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    Had the same approach but couldn't solve the problem using it, seeing your code now I realize I was doing splice to arr[i] instead of i LOL

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    Why we iterate from i = arr.length-1 ?

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    added translation

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    Iterating from the end, why didn't I think abt it

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    I fixed it up, I think its a neat fun kata now :) have a look! (It will only plot for wrong solutions, so dont use something correct :P)

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    Hi edwardsnjd,

    No, don't worry, there is nothing to do on your side, unless you can correct the mess LearningFTW left behind him before he got banned (for various reasons, other than the current matter).


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    (Original author here) Oh dear, seems times have moved on since I first dropped in and this kata didn't make the cut. Is there something I could do to modernise it for approval or is it beyond saving?

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    (Original author here) I'm afraid I am not aware of the etiquette here because I only drop in from time to time. Is there something I should do to this kata to modernise it? Would the "republish" option allow it to get a rating more in line with other kata?

    To be honest my main purpose for writing this was to have some fun with the plotting idea referenced in the description, to see if it could spice up an otherwise dry calculation kata. If that's no longer in the spirit of the community here then as a very casual user it's not my place to dispute!

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    Random tests now almost always generate something 'interesting'. Also fixed a bug in the plotter feature.

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    I have rebuilt the tests somewhat, to include the two last tests as proper fixed tests (the always passing tests have been removed).

    To keep the 'spirit' of the kata, the plotting function is now used in failed tests to display actual and expected results visually.
    I also improved the assertion messages to be more helpful. If it would be better not to show the actual vs expected arrays (as they can be very long) let me know and I can modify it.

    I will now work on improving the random tests, and while doing so add a couple more fixed tests.

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    Tests for Complex have been removed, and description/initial solution comment has been updated accordingly.

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    Length related tests have been removed.

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    The problem with old beta kata's is the rating scale was different back then.
    If this kata would be authored today, it will (most probably) be deemed kyu 6 on average.

    I didn't know that until Kacarrot pointed that out on discord. now I do :)

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    The problem with old beta kata's is the rating scale was different back then.
    If this kata would be authored today, it will (most probably) be deemed kyu 6 on average.
    But I understand a confirmation bias is inevitable when many users have ranked it already using the old scale.

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