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    My bad, I didn't get kata. I thought that they are equal. Thank you a lot.

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    Yep, you right, sorry for that.

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    I would have implemented your   suggestion but you cant change tests when more than 500 people have completed it. I do really appreciate feedback but dont you think saying, hey man, thanks for tha kata, I was struggling with seeing what went wrong with my tests when they failed, could you maybe please somehow print out the input data is better than I think the test description is bad? Learn how to have more respect when you complete someones work that they have done for a community for free at his own expense and time.

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    Because it is how tests should look like.

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    Hey, in my case one of the variables I was running .length on was indeed null. Fixed that and no error now.

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    same shit here

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    So you know how to print out and see all input data, you just want me to do it for you?

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    Why 0 0 1 1 1 0 / 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 should be drow?

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    Yep, I know that, but I just want to say, that appropriate test description is better.

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    You can do console.log to print out the args then you can see input data.

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    This tests has no description at all. So if it fail, it fail. All output is: Expect true to be false, and so on. And in this case you cannot check your kata, and verify it. Please add description like: "'xOxOx' should be false: failed, expect true to be false."
    I'd like to see input data in submition tests too.


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    Any suggestions on how to improve it? Or do you like to just criticize without contributing anything?

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    I think that tests description is bad.