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    There are a ton of problems from this same author, and they are all terrible! Asking for clarification of the terrible descriptions yield a rude reply from the creator. The problems are also underrated for their difficulty, so they aren't even worth doing!

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    This actually fails some of the random tests. You have to submit it multiple times to get it through. This is the worst kata I have seen in this site.

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    I've done over 100 problems on this site, and this was the worst, not because of the test itself, but because of the poor description. Even worse are the trollish and condescending replies from the creator. This was the first time ever I have found codewars to be a waste of time, and I will keep track of g964's name to make sure not to do their problems in the future.

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    This one one of those, for me, where I struggled and sweated over a convoluted solution, and the top answer was some simple, obvious-in-retrospect one-liner.