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    I pass the three fixed tests (for n = 5, 7, 30) but fail when I try ATTEMPT.

    The issue is that my code takes too long (not efficient!). I'm guessing that the issue is
    the recursion that I use to find the Fibonacci sequence, but the Fib sequence is, by its very
    nature, recursive.

    So, my question is: does the program have to be non-recursive in order to pass all the tests?

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    Sorry, I should have mentioned that it was a random test. Anyway, I thank you for your attention and quick response.

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    I wrote the program in Javascript. I copied/pasted the result so that absolutely was a test.

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    I'm passing 101 out of 102 tests.

    The test I fail tells me that the year 8700 is in the 88th century: expected '87th' to equal '88th'

    That would be like saying that the year 2000 is in the 21st century (and we all know it is not).

    So, are the expected answers incorrect?

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    Passed all tests. Thank you Chrono79.

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    When I press ATTEMPT I pass most of the tests but not all. I know there is a problem with my code and that it most likely
    has to do with my interpretation of the instructions. So, I would be grateful if someone could clarify the following:

    Instructions state: "His mother looks out of a window 1.5 meters from the ground."

    I interpret this to mean that the height of the window where mother is is fixed (i.e, always 1.5). Is this right?

    Now, the function bouncingBall has a window parameter (as well as a height parameter, h).
    So, what is the relationship between h and window?
    Is window actually the height where the mother is? (which means that that height is not always 1.5, and, so, NOT fixed)

    I'm assuming the ball is dropped from h. Is this right?

    Anyway, it would be awesome if anyone could shed some light on this.


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    If John starts out with $10,000 and withdraws $10,000 per year, how in God's green earth can he last 2 years?
    I'm 62 years old and retired (just do this for fun), so I better get this right! (or else I'm %&#@ed!)

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    I pass all the test except this one. I must have a thick head because I don't see it.
    I mean, if I start out with $10,000 and use up $10,000 per year, how can I possibly
    last 2 years?

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    exact same situation . . . feeling a little stumped.
    Feel like there's a "trick" and I don't see it. Grrrr!

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    Thank you for the replies. I appologize if my post annoyed some of you. I had never posted anything, or asked a question, and, clearly, wasn't sure where to direct my concern; but now I know. So, thank you.

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    Hello, a little frustrated. My solution to the "Split Strings" project (using Javascript) works perfectly. When I press ATTEMPT I pass all the tests. However, I also get the message shown below and, hence, get no credit.

    FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

    Is there a way to appeal the verdict?